Asian Rock Cafe

Our Story

The Vision

Asian Rock Cafe’s root comes from Jettwings Hotels, which offers luxury hotels and restaurants in holiday destinations across the country. The Asian Rock Cafe offers you the opportunity to experience a wide palette of culture, textures, and art.

Inspired by Rock Culture, the restaurant is exceptionally eye-catching and draws inspiration from Asian Culture as well. An architectural façade design with a 150-foot high roof provides a visual identity to the space, which is the center of attention throughout the entire complex.

You only have to try it out for yourself. It will be a pleasure to welcome you.

Dine, Drink, Enjoy.
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Music Genre

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Expert Chefs

0 %

Happy Customers

Our Story

The Vision

Asian Rock Cafe’s root comes from Jettwings Hotels, which offers luxury hotels and restaurants in holiday destinations across the country. The Asian Rock Cafe offers you the opportunity to experience a wide palette of culture, textures, and art.

Inspired by Rock Culture, the restaurant is exceptionally eye-catching and draws inspiration from Asian Culture as well. An architectural façade design with a 150-foot high roof provides a visual identity to the space, which is the center of attention throughout the entire complex.

You only have to try it out for yourself. It will be a pleasure to welcome you.

Dine, Drink, Enjoy.
0 +

Music Genre

0 +

Expert Chefs

0 %

Happy Customers


A Message from the CEO

Our vision has transcended the national boundary with our training facilities in international destinations. Hailed alike by the state as well as private industry for galvanizing the youth for competitive industries, Jettwings is in a constant process of developing new & advanced state-of-the-art campuses. Every Jettwings campus ensures that skill training becomes the most exciting and fulfilling experience, not only for its students but for the organization as a whole.

I welcome you with all my gratitude and hope that our collaboration ushers in not only a personal revolution into your lives but ensures the development of our region as well as our country, through you, to the highest possible pinnacle of success.


The discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of mankind than the discovery of a star.

Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Whether you’re with your friends or partner, we’ll provide you with experiences you’ll never forget. The best way to feel happier and more satisfied is by eating delicious foods and drinking refreshing drinks.  

Our Commitment

Our commitment to customers is to provide them with the best and serve them with all our hearts. We are dedicated to providing the best service to all our guests, from waiters to chefs. There is nothing better than having such a delicious dish with a great taste of Asia that leaves a satisfied feeling in the heart with its abundant flavor that fills the tongue.